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Ooceraea biroi (Clonal raider ant, clonal line C1) - GCA_003672135.1 [RefSeq annotation] (Obir_v5.4)

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Genome assembly: Obir_v5.4 (GCA_003672135.1)

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Gene annotation

What can I find? Protein-coding and non-coding genes, splice variants, cDNA and protein sequences, non-coding RNAs.

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AssemblyObir_v5.4, INSDC Assembly GCA_003672135.1,
Base Pairs223,876,465
Golden Path Length223,876,465
Assembly providerThe Rockefeller University
Annotation providerNCBI
Annotation methodImport
Genebuild startedDec 2021
Genebuild releasedDec 2021
Genebuild last updated/patchedDec 2021
Database version110.1

Gene counts

Coding genes11,927
Non coding genes1,828
Small non coding genes354
Long non coding genes1,430
Misc non coding genes44
Gene transcripts27,511