Omphaloscelis lunosa (moths) - GCA_916610215.1 (ilOmpLuno1.1)

Your search for BRAKEROLUG00000007606 returned 1 hits.

Please note that because this site uses a direct MySQL search, we limit the search to 10 results per category and search term, in order to avoid overloading the database server.

Gene or Gene Product

1 entries matched your search strings.

  1. Gene: BRAKEROLUG00000007606 [Region in detail]
    sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 [Ensembl NN prediction with score 92.95%]

InterPro Domain

0 entries matched your search strings.

    Sequence Aligned to Genome, eg. EST or Protein

    0 entries matched your search strings.

      Genomic Region, eg. Clone or Contig

      0 entries matched your search strings.