Mastacembelus armatus (Zig-zag eel) - GCA_900324485.2 (fMasArm1.2)

Search Mastacembelus armatus

Genome assembly: fMasArm1.2 (GCA_900324485.2)

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AssemblyfMasArm1.2, INSDC Assembly GCA_900324485.2, Mar 2019
Base Pairs591,951,587
Golden Path Length591,951,587
Annotation providerEnsembl
Annotation methodEnsembl Genebuild
Genebuild startedApr 2020
Genebuild releasedJun 2020
Genebuild last updated/patchedApr 2020
Database version110.1

Gene counts

Coding genes22,364
Non coding genes815
Small non coding genes453
Long non coding genes349
Misc non coding genes13
Gene transcripts60,604


Genscan gene predictions29,450